S E L E C T E D   B I B L I O G R A P H Y





Massimo Venturi Ferriolo,  Paesaggi in movimento, DeriveApprodi, Italy, 2016, pp. 105.


ECLAS 2016,     Bridging the Alps  in  Bridging the Gap. Proceedings of the ECLAS conference, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswill , Switzerland ,  2016,  pp. 35-37.


Franco Zagari,  Fabio Di Carlo, Storia e progetto in Il paesaggio come sfida. Il progetto, Libria, Italy, 2016, pp. 37-38.


LAE Foundation Lisa Dietrich Mark Hendriks Jessica Bridger Claudia Moll, On the move in Landscape Architecture Europe 4 On the move, Wageningen and Blauwdruk Publishers, Netherlands, 2015, pp.17-23.


John Dixon Hunt, Historical Ground, Routledge, Great Britain, 2014, pp.19,34,135,136.


Michel Jakob, The Swiss touch in landscape architecture, Tararà Edizioni, Switzerland, 2013, pp.18-19.


Xin Wu, Paolo L. Bürgi Paolo Bürgi, between design and creative interpretation in The new Art of Landscape, China Architecture & Building Press, China, 2012, pp. 180-200, 232-234.


Carlo Magnani (introduzione), Paolo L. Bürgi, Paesaggi-Passaggi , Libria, Italy, 2011.


Regionalverband Ruhr, Unter freiem Himmel, Under the open sky, Birkhäuser, Germany 2010, pp-80-83.


Raffaella Fabiani Giannetto, Paolo Bürgi. Landscape Architect Discovering the (Swiss) Horizon: Mountain,Lake, and Forest, Princeton Architectural Press, USA, 2009.


Lorette Coen, Elissa Rosemberg,Christophe Girot, Grandes paisajes de Europa, Fundacion César Manrique, Spain, 2009, pp. 37-40,151, 190-193.


Loft Publication, Sketch Landscape, PageOne, Spain, 2009, pp.292-300.


Pino Scaglione, Loredana Ponticelli, High-Scapes Alps, LIST, Italy, 2008, pp.224-227.


Massimo Venturi Ferriolo, Paesaggi. Sguardo dal theatron, Edizioni L’Orbicolare, Italy, 2007, pp. 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 44, 89, 90,127.


Alex Sanchez Vidiella, Atlas der zeitgenössischen Architektur, Dumont, Germany, 2007, pp. 84-89.


Michel Conan, Contemporary garden. Aesthetics, creations and Interpretations, Harvard University Press, USA, 2007, pp. 200-221.


Franco Zagari, Questo è paesaggio. 48 definizioni, Mancosu Editore, Italy 206, pp.159-161.


Bienal Europea de Paisaje, Solo con naturaleza. Catalogo de la III Bienal Europea de Paisaje. III Premio Europeo de Paisaje Rosa Barba, Arquithemas 17, Spain, 2006, pp. 298-303.


Landscape Architecture Europe Foundation, Fieldwork. Landscape Architecture Europe, Birkhäuser, Switzerland, 2006, pp. 178-181.


Monika Suter, Peter Egli, Die schönsten Garten und Parks der Schweiz / les plus beaux jardins et parcs de Suisse, Schweizer Heimatschutz (SHS), Switzerland, 2006, pp. 46-54.


Paco Asensio, Ultimate Landscape Design, teNeues, Spain, 2005, pp. 98-107, 351-355.


Udo Weilacher, In Gärten, Birkhäuser, Switzerland, 2005, pp. 147-151.


Peter Zöch, Gesa Loschwitz, Europäische Landschaftzsarchitektur/ European Landscape Architecture, Callwey, Germany, 2005, pp. 1-2, 155-157.


John Dixon Hunt, The Afterlife of Gardens, Reaktion Books LTD, England, 2004, pp. 221-223.


Loredana Ponticelli, Cesare Micheletti, Nuove infrastrutture per nuovi paesaggi, Skira, Italy, pp. 24-47.


Michael Rohde, Rainer Schomann, Historic Gardens Today, Leipzig, Germany, 2003, pp. 66-71.


Claudia Cassatela, Francesca Bagliani, Creare Paesaggi, Realizzazioni, Teorie e Progetti in Europa, Alinea, Italy, 2003, pp. 34-43.


Giuliana Baldan Zenoni-Politeo, Antonella Pietrogrande, Il giardino e la memoria del mondo. Giardini e Paesaggi 4 , Leo S. Olschki, Italy, 2002, pp. 147-150.


John Dixon Hunt, Greater Perfection, Thames & Hudson, USA, 2000, pp 227-229.


Maria Auböck, Andrea Cejka, Freiräume. Stadt / Open spaces, the city, Planbox, Austria, 1996, pp.22-27.






Blbina Gryczynska, Dorota Stanislawska, Precyzyjny artysta in Zielen miejska 10/16, Afrdruk.pl, Poland, 2016, pp. 12-13.


Paolo Bürgi,     Die Landschaft lesen in  Anthos Grenzen überwinden 03/16 ,  AST & FISCHER AG,    Switzerland, 2016, pp. 26-30.


Véronique Hilfiker Durand ,  Paolo Bürgi   in  HSR made ,   HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswill,  Switzerland , 2016,  pp. 34-35.


Giò Rezzonico,  Il territorio si migliora valorizzando l’essenziale in IL Caffè 13 novembre 2016,    Il Caffè,  Switzerland, 2016, p.  20.


David Hays Above, Beyond, and between. Situating Nature at Paolo Bürgi’s Cardada in LA China 14 2010 N°6, China 2010, pp 168-170.


Xin Wu, Contemporary Landscape Criticism_Interview with Paolo Bürgi in LA China 14 2010 N°6, China 2010, pp 162-175.


Paolo L. Bürgi, Hafenplatz Kreuzlingen- Lakeside Plaza, Kreuzlingen Switzerland in LA China. Landscape Architecture China 04-2009.02, China, 2009, pp. 58-61.


Paolo L. Bürgi, Special Landscape Architect Paolo L. Bürgi in LW Landscape World vol 15, Archiworld Co., Corea, 2008, pp.136-175.


Lucia Grosse-Bächle, Landschaftskunst. Impulse fèr zeitgenössische kulturlandschaften in Stadt+Grün 4 April 2007, Patzer Verlag, Germany, 2007, pp. 26-30.


Jordi Bellmunt, Novella B. Cappelletti, E’ di scena il paesaggio in Architettura del Paesaggio 13 04/2006, Paysage, Italy, 2006, pp. 44-46.


Paolo L. Bürgi, Vom Perimeter zum Horizont: reale und imaginäre Grenzen/ From the perimeter to the horizon: real limits – imaginary limits in TOPOS/ European Landscape Magazine 50/2005, Callwey, Germany, 2005, pp. 32-38.


Paolo L. Bürgi, Greenfollies in Parco di Casvegno, Mendrisio / Folies im Park di Casvegno in Mendrisio, in TOPOS/European Landscape Magazine 42/2003, Callwey, Germany, 2003, pp. 6_12.


Paolo L. Bürgi, A Mercedes 300 SL with gullwing doors /Mercedes Benz 300SL mit Flügeltüren in Texte zur Landschaft/ About Landscape, Edition TOPOS 2002, Callwey – Birkhäuser, Germany, 2002, pp. 37-43.


Paolo L. Bürgi, Cardada – Reconsidering a mountain / Cardada – Gedanken über einen Berg, in TOPOS/European Landscape Magazine 36/2001, Callwey, Germany, 2001, pp. 6_12.


Paolo L. Bürgi, Le “Promontorio paesaggistico”. L’historie de l’horizon / De Geschichte des Horizonts in Anthos 04/2001, Heer Druck AG, Switzerland, 2001, pp. 26-29.


Paolo L. Bürgi, Paysage et perception / Landschaft und Wahrnehmung Cardada in Anthos 02/99, Herr Druck AG, Switzerland, 1999, pp. 28-31.


Paolo L. Bürgi, The Dimension of recollection / Dimensionen der Erinnerungen in TOPOS/European Landscape Magazine 03/1993, Callwey, Germany, 1993, pp. 32, 98_99.


Paolo L. Bürgi, The demystification of the ground. Ignoring important links and the lost sense of place in Anthos 01/92, Graf und Neuhaus AG Zürich, Switzerland, 1992, pp. 2-3.